Santa Cruz Westside 5K
The Santa Cruz Westside 5k is an exciting event that takes you on a 3.1 mile run or walk from the iconic Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk to the along picturesque Westcliff Drive and back. As you make your way, you'll be treated to stunning ocean views, the refreshing scent of sea air, and the soothing sound of crashing waves. The race culminates on the sand of Cowells Beach for a truly memorable finish. Join us for this celebration of the senses!
Saturday, October 11, 2025.
Registration includes access to an amazing coastal course, chip timing and bib, custom finishers medallion, commemorative event shirt, course management and support and post event refreshments. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. If for any reason the event can not take place in-person it will be produced virtually. If you can not participate in the 2025 event, please write to us following the event and your event shirt will be mailed to you. Medals are for finishers only.
Start Time
The race begins promptly at 8:00 am.
Course Management
The course is managed at a 15 minute per mile pace. If you are passed by the event crew, you will be asked to move onto the sidewalk. Once you are on the sidewalk, you must follow all traffic laws deemed by the County of Santa Cruz.
Course Map (course subject to change)
Aid Stations
Water will be provided at a course aid station located at mile 1.5.
There will be restrooms at the start, at the aid station, and at the finish line.
Sweat Check
There will be a sweat check area near the Start/Finish line courtesy of Kennolyn Camps.
Finish Area
The finish line is located on Cowell’s Beach where participants receive post race food and enjoy the finish celebration!
Event Shirt & Medal
Each 5k finisher will receive an event shirt and commemorative finisher’s medal at the Finish Line.
Awards will be provided to the top three over-all male and female finishers.